Bike Skills- Fall grades 3-5

Before you can take a bike in on the road you first need to be able to smoothly control the bike. Bike skills teaches younger kids bike control through fun games, challenges and mock intersection traffic, riding on the bay trail along the marinas and Alameda protected bikeways, streets with minimal traffic and finally bike lanes.

Lots of kids can ride fast on two wheels, but there's a lot more to it to be confident and safe riding in traffic. We teach the following skills and will work with kids at their level in order to let them learn and build a good foundation. Often these skills require more practice than just one session. Sign up as many times as needed.

Note: Kids must be able to ride on two wheels for this camp. Please contact us if you are looking for private learn to ride classes.

What we teach in camp
Helmet fit, Bike safety check, Bike Skills practice with games and challenges on blacktop, games and lunch at the park, bike lock demo and practice, intersection awareness of legal and defensive riding around car drivers, pedestrians and other bike riders, discussion of what to do if a bike crash happens, minor or major.

Parents/Guardians of kids participating in Bike Skills Camp are required to:

  1. Bike Check -Have your child's bike and helmet inspected for safety and fit and signed off by a mechanic from a local shop at least two weeks before camp starts.

  2. Participation Contract -Review and discuss the rules and expectations in camp, both parent and child sign.


  • ABC Quick check (air, brakes, chain, quick release)

  • Helmet Fit

  • Steady Stopping by stepping down off the seat when stopping

  • Steady Starting with ease and power with power pedal position

  • Riding a straight line and looking backwards

  • Riding with one hand off the handlebars to signal

  • Yielding to pedestrians

  • Street Riding in bike lanes, smaller neighborhood streets and off road paths Beginning to Identify and anticipate driver traffic conflict turns.

Camp days build on skills. Skipping part or all day is strongly discouraged.

Summer - Rising grades 3-5 - Registrations open February 3.

Meet at Bohol Circle, (New park at the end of 5th St. by Target) on the first day for lane drills to help everyone’s skills improve before biking on paths and streets. Pick up at Jean Sweeney Park everyday and drop off Tues-Fri. We’ll bike along marina, to Alameda Point, and to Crown Beach. Bring bag lunch and snacks. Heavy rain and/or heavy wind cancel with refund.

  • June 30-July 3 (Monday-Thursday)

  • August 4-8 (Monday-Friday)


Fall Dates - Grades 3-5

  • TBD